Dear Yuliya


Crafted as a heartwarming gift for the lovely Yuliya, this charming low-height basket arrangement is designed to infuse any room with the beauty of fresh flowers. The small and posey arrangement features a round or basket base brimming with exquisite red roses, delicate pink lysianthus, and graceful pink spray carnations, all elegantly complemented by locally sourced greens.

Lysianthus blooms are available in enchanting shades of pink, pristine white, or soft peach, while spray carnations come in variations of white-pink, full pink, or white. Our choice of blooms will be based on their availability, ensuring that your gift remains equally enchanting.

A Bali Florist greeting card is included with each order.

*Disclaimer: Flowers are gifts of nature and availability is dependent upon the season and markets. Therefore, not all designs will be exactly as pictured. In the event that a particular bouquet or colour combination cannot be met, our creative team will do their utmost to provide you with the next best arrangement. By continuing, you are acknowledging there may be some variation in colour palette and flowers/container used.

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