Rustic Blushing Bride Bouquet


Inspired by couple’s elopement in Bali, this master series bouquet was crafted with two loving, free-spirited souls in mind. Her choice pink and red roses paired with white lysianthus plus bright pink anthuriums are complemented by his love of purple-bluish tones set by eryngiums. We’ve added additional fillers and Italian ruscus to make an even more lush bouquet.

This bouquet contains a few types of imported ingredients, therefore, it is highly recommended to order at least 3-5 days in advance.

A Bali Florist greeting card is included with each order.

Photo credit: Andre Lesmana @firewoodandearth (second picture)

*Disclaimer: Flowers are gifts of nature and availability is dependent upon the season and markets. Therefore, not all designs will be exactly as pictured. In the event that a particular bouquet or colour combination cannot be met, our creative team will do their utmost to provide you with the next best arrangement. By continuing, you are acknowledging there may be some variation in colour palette and flowers/container used.

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