A stunning bouquet arrangement featuring pastel-colored lysianthus, semi-Holland roses, and carnations, beautifully paired with imported eucalyptus (baby blue or populus) leaves and caspea limonium fillers. Elegantly wrapped in natural burlap, this charming piece exudes timeless beauty.
Upgrade to the premium version to transform it into a lovely centerpiece that effortlessly enhances any setting with its understated elegance. The premium version includes a reusable basket and additional blooms for an extra touch of refinement.
Lysianthus and rose colors are subject to availability. Other elements seen in some of the pictures are sold seperately.
A matching greeting card is included with each order.
Loving Lysianthus
Flowers are gifts of nature, and their availability depends on the season and market conditions. Therefore, not all designs will look exactly as pictured. If a particular bouquet or color combination is unavailable, our creative team will do their utmost to provide you with the next best arrangement. By proceeding, you acknowledge that there may be some variation in the color palette and the flowers or container used.